An easy-to-use music staff pad for composing and auto playing, works like a virtual staff paper.
*Pre-drawn 9 kinds of music notes, note-units & rests,pre-defined scales & beats symbols. Neednt draw any basic elements from scratch at all. Tap on the staff pad directly like writing on a staff paper.
*Assistant function: when a note is placed on the staff, it will be instantly played. This functions especially designed for new beginners of 5-lines staff and demo of teaching. Tap the "A" button can easily disable/enable this function.
*Tap "Play" button to listen to what you compose anytime.
*Saving and loading your melodies, has up to 5 different savings.
*Support chords (maximum 4 notes per vertical line), support bass F-clef.
*Export sheet as PDF format and email sending.